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New Hearts Encouragement Ministries Inc. is a product of the passion and vision of Violet Scott, Founder and Executive Director. A native floridian, Ms.Scott  was diagnosed with Hiv on May 21,2001, and shortly thereafter, she became deeply involved in HIV/AIDS awareness and advocacy through the support and encouragement of her former case manager.As her involvement deepened into the issues surrounding Hiv positive African American women, Ms.Scott began a support group at her home for Hiv positive women to foster supportive relationships, advice, and resources. Ms.Scott served as a peer mentor for several years, and eventually moved into HIV/AIDS preventative education.Since 2005 Ms.Scott has served as a facilitator of SISTA (Sister Informing Sisters about Topics on Aids), a peer led intervention intended to prevent the contraction of Hiv among African American women.

Ms.Scott was compelled by a force greater than herself to address the marginalization and stigma surrounding HIV/AIDS.She wanted to break the silence of  African American Hiv positive women in underserved ,Orlando,Fl communities.This led to the creation of New Hearts Encouragement Ministries Inc. The name of the Ministry was originally "fragile hearts" but Ms.Scott was encouraged by Mr. Paul West, Esq., a local lawyer, to take inspiration from Ezekiel 36:26 " I will give you a new heart and put a new spirit in you. "Just as the Lord can renew the hearts and spirits of believers, the power of education and a helping hand" can renew the hearts and minds of women and teen girls. 
